Tuesday, July 16, 2013

From Mrs. Rebecca Hall :)

Short on History, but long on help. "We serve a purpose."

Hello again!  I have a report from Becky's Wakefield, Kansas trip!  It is always SO AWESOME to see co-ops involve the next generation.  That is part of how we can cultivate future farmers, ranchers, extension agents and so forth.  Great work, Becky!!  I sure appreciate all that you do to help me through this internship.  You're a pretty awesome friend, too :)  I hope you all enjoy her bit! -Billie

Throughout our travels this summer we have hit Farming Co-ops of various sizes from Moundridge with forty facilities to Piqua consisting of only one site.  But each Co-op regardless of size has a story to tell as well as a unique purpose for the farming community in its area.  So that being said this week I was out on my own for one day taking on the Wakefield Co-op.  Though not on the original list that Billie and I had came up, the Co-op is close to my house and it wouldn't seem right to leave it out with it being so close.  Wakefield is just a hop, skip and jump from Fort Riley and the town is home to many military families who make the commute to post.  But even though the town hosts many military families it is also in the middle of farm country.  John Boley, the General Manager of the Wakefield Co-op was kind enough to sit down with me during an extremely busy part of the season and talk about the co-op, its location and also to offer some much needed assistance.  Wakefield sits in a unique area; with Clay Center less than twenty miles to its north and Lake Milford and Fort Riley to its east; its area of service is obviously not large at all.  But what the little Co-op lacks in area makes up in service.  While In addition to providing a style of service that keeps the loyalty of customers returning, every fall the Co-op hosts the Wakefield Elementary Second graders.  The kiddos are given a tour of the facilities and information on the in's and outs of farming.  In the last few minutes of our interview, John began to question me about the other Co-ops we would be visiting.  As I told him of our plans, the General Manager handed me the 2013 Directory of all the Co-ops in Kansas regardless of size.  I could never thank John enough for that book; it has made the life of two Kansas State interns much easier.
-Rebecca S. Hall

-Go State!  

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